
your one-stop Engine Stand, APU Stand and customized aircraft tooling solution

Engine Stands

We offer Narrow-Body, Regional, and Wide-Body OEM Alternative Engine Stands including: CF34, CFM56, GE90 and many others!

APU Stands

We are the proud OEM Certified APU Stand manufacturer for the RE220131-9A/9B/9C, 331-350, and the 331-500.

Engine Slings

Our engine sling models include: BR710, CF34-8C/10E, CFM56, RB211-524/535, GE90, and Trent 800.

Storage and

We offer indoor climate-controlled and outdoor storage, as well as shock mount replacement, and complete engine stand refurbishment.

NextGen Aerosupport

Dream big
inspiring solutions

NextGen Aerosupport boasts the highest quality Engine Stands, APU Stands, and Tooling.

We specialize in OEM Equivalent Engine Stands, OEM Certified APU Stands, and engine storage manufacturing.

Founder: Eric Haymes


are we?

We are an ISO9001:2015 certified tooling manufacturer specializing in:

◎    OEM Licensed APU Stands
◎    OEM Equivalent Engine Stands
◎    Transfer Slings
◎    Pedestals
◎    Shop Dollies


We are an aviation GSE tooling manufacturer prioritizing safety, quality, delivery, and cost.

Reliable Partner

Our track record of consistent delivery, unwavering support, and proactive problem-solving make us the dependable choice for engine lessors, airlines, and maintenance facilities worldwide.


Founded in 2014, NextGen Aerosupport
boasts the highest quality Engine stands, APU stands, and tooling for Regional, Narrow-Body, and Wide-Body aircraft with an emphasis on mid to mature aircraft.


NextGen AeroSupport is ISO 9001:2015 Certified